Titanium ESF Connecting Rod
Additional Product Information
6.3 mm titanium rods for the small SK device are significantly stronger than 6.3 mm carbon fiber rods and are provided to allow upside mechanical potential when using the small SK device with larger patients, in particular with patients requiring medium pins or limited frame geometry. Titanium bars can be contoured with difficulty using a pair of hand chucks or plate bending irons, but are difficult to cut.
Product Specifications
Part No. | Compatible ESF Clamp | Compatible System | Diameter | Length (inch) | Length | Material |
Part No. | Compatible ESF Clamp: Small | Compatible System: Small linear | Diameter (mm): 6.3 mm 0.236 in | Length (inch): 2" | Length (mm): 50 mm1.969 in | Material: Titanium |
Part No. | Compatible ESF Clamp: Small | Compatible System: Small linear | Diameter (mm): 6.3 mm 0.236 in | Length (inch): 4" | Length (mm): 100 mm3.937 in | Material: Titanium |
Part No. | Compatible ESF Clamp: Small | Compatible System: Small linear | Diameter (mm): 6.3 mm 0.236 in | Length (inch): 6" | Length (mm): 150 mm5.906 in | Material: Titanium |
Part No. | Compatible ESF Clamp: Small | Compatible System: Small linear | Diameter (mm): 6.3 mm 0.236 in | Length (inch): 8" | Length (mm): 200 mm7.874 in | Material: Titanium |
Part No. | Compatible ESF Clamp: Small | Compatible System: Small linear | Diameter (mm): 6.3 mm 0.236 in | Length (inch): 10" | Length (mm): 250 mm9.843 in | Material: Titanium |
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Why are both carbon fiber and titanium rods available with the small SK fixator?
The 6.3 mm titanium rod is approximately twice the strength of the 6.3 mm carbon fiber rod. On lower limbs, Type I-b or Type II minimal frames will extend the upper weight range for carbon rods. For larger patients, the added strength of titanium rods is advantageous, especially if attempting to simplify frames or in most fractures involving the humerus or femur.
At some point, more complex frames need to be built or large SK ESF rods and clamps should be utilized. Both carbon and titanium rods are in the small SK starter kit, but customers usually re-order their ultimate preference. Differences in strength can be utilized as part of a plan for staged disassembly or rod downsizing. -
How are titanium connecting rods cut to length?
Small SK titanium rods can be cut with a large bolt cutter but tend to develop a significant burr that must be smoothed with a file or sanding material. All SK ESF System connecting rods are stocked in several length choices. The variety of lengths available should greatly reduce the need for cutting rods.
Can I contour titanium ESF connecting rods?
The small SK 6.3 mm titanium external rod is the only rod other than the mini SK stainless steel rod that can be bent for this purpose. However, it is quite difficult to bend and is best bent prior to sterilization using a vise and two hand chucks. Plate benders can also be utilized.
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