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Continuing Education

A calendar of domestic and international events...practice, learn, excel

October 3-4, 2024

AO VET NA Blended Masters Course – Feline Orthopedics

The lame cat can represent a significant diagnostic challenge. The relative paucity of specific literature available addressing feline orthopedic patients, the inherent complexity in performing feline gait analysis and orthopedic examination and the discrete, distinct signs that cats exhibit associated with orthopedic disease all represent hurdles to overcome.

This course is designed to provide participants with a comprehensive knowledge of specific feline orthopedic diseases and the clinical signs associated with them through the precourse module as well as onsite lectures and interactive sessions. Both non-surgical and surgical treatment modalities will be discussed and demonstrated in hands-on laboratory sessions and case-based discussions. Emphasis will be placed on challenging conditions commonly encountered in cats and circumstances where therapeutics may differ to those universally employed in canine patients. The entire patient experience will be considered including choice of therapeutic approach, preoperative planning, postoperative patient management and physical rehabilitation. Opportunities will be provided for participants to tailor their course experience to the equipment readily available in their workplace with both minimally invasive and open approaches being demonstrated where appropriate.

Participants should leave this course with the information and experience necessary to feel confident in the diagnosis and management of most common feline-specific orthopedic conditions. 
The 'blended' course format includes REQUIRED online coursework and learning materials provided prior to the face-to-face event which are MANDATORY for attendance at the course.

Target Audience:
This is an AO VET masters-level course suitable for practicing veterinary surgeons, fellows and residents with experience in surgical repair of both simple and complex fractures.

The AO VET Small Animal Principles course is a prerequisite for this Masters-level course since familiarity with instrumentation and techniques will be assumed. 

Additionally, attendance at an Advanced course is strongly encouraged.

Questions & Registration

AO VET North America 


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Karen Perry, BVMS, CertSAS, DECVS, MSc, MRCVS 

Sharon Kerwin, DVM, MS, DACVS, DACVIM

Loïc Déjardin, DVM, MS, DACVS, DECVS 

Jonathan Dyce, DVM, MS, DACVS 

Whitney Hinson, MA, BVetMed, DSAO, DECVS, FRCVS 

Richard Meeson, MA VetMB PhD MVetMed DipECVS, PGCE(VetEd) FHEA FRCVS 


Glendale, AZ

Register for Event Here

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